We’re always looking to add incredible coaches and owners to the Parisi Network and you just might be the perfect fit. So, why might Parisi Affiliation be the solution for you?

  • You‘re looking to further your knowledge of sports performance training to become the best coach you can be 
  • OR maybe you’re an owner looking to provide your team with a results-driven training and business system as an additional revenue stream
  • You’re searching for a way to separate yourself from the competition
  • You have a passion for training athletes and building their confidence, no matter what age or skill level

Now that we’ve got the bases covered, here’s what life looks like as a Parisi Speed School Affiliate:

  • You‘ll be certified in the Parisi Training System, a science-backed training method that has been used for more than 30 years with over 1 million athletes.
  • You‘ll be licensed to use the Parisi brand and credibility to support your outreach efforts in your local community.
  • You‘ll use TrainHeroic to access daily workouts from Parisi HQ and track athlete progress.
  • You‘ll have access to a growing library of continued education resources on improving speed, agility, strength and injury resilience.
  • You‘ll connect with the Parisi Network of 600+ sports performance coaches and owners to share experiences, training philosophy and best practices.

Think you‘ve got what it takes? Submit a Request for Consideration so we know you‘re serious about taking your business to the next level. Our team will be in touch shortly after reviewing your request.

Request For Consideration Form